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Island School’s mission is to prepare our students to live productive, fulfilling lives as confident, responsible life-long learners and contributing members of society; through a challenging curriculum that prepares students for successful higher education; to provide a safe, nurturing environment fostering creativity, critical thinking, initiative, and respect for self and others.
Welcome! Island School seeks students who want to learn, have an independent spirit, get along with others, and enjoy new experiences. Diversity is valued, and a generous financial aid program ensures a broadly representative student population.
Island School’s mission is to prepare our students to live productive, fulfilling lives as confident, responsible life-long learners and contributing members of society; to express fully the talents of our faculty and administration through a challenging curriculum that prepares students for successful higher education; to provide a safe, nurturing environment that fosters creativity, critical thinking, initiative, and respect for self and others.
Outcomes for students are emphasized. These follow concepts of the progressive-school movement: namely, that education should help the child to develop a lively interest in the world, to learn to think critically, to become an active member of the community, and to live successfully and happily in modern, democratic society. To that end, education should nurture in the child an openness to experience, a desire to learn in every situation, and an impulse to continue to learn and develop throughout life".